OffChain Global is global Web3 community with chapters in seventy cities. OffChain is building a trusted global community where members can build their professional social network through virtual and in-person events and find the resources, both locally and globally, required to be a productive member of the Web3 professional world.
We welcome those who are already part of the Web3 world, as well as, those who are interested in entering it; whether that means starting a company, getting a job, holding digital currency or just learning the lingo for party conversations.
Blockchain industry folks are plugged into the network 24/7 and are looking for an excuse to unplug once in a while to socialize. As the world becomes more and more on-chain, we see this as the perfect opportunity to go off chain to meet other passionate people in the space and educate newcomers.
OffChain was started in 2017 with the vision of bringing people together to connect on a human level. Our IRL events vary from fifteen OffChainers having drinks in a bar, to panel discussions with one hundred Web3 friends to conferences with 500 people.
See an BEYONDTHEMINT interview with Polina, one of our early founders, about why she likes OffChain.
Feel free to contact us for more information or to join the groups at [email protected].
Global Telegram Group:
If you would like to join the WhatsApp, WeChat or Telegram group for a city you live in, go to the Chapters page. To join one of the topic groups like NFTs, Jobs, Memes, Legal and Compliance, etc., go to our Linktree page.
contact us at [email protected]

Come to the inaugural OffChain Global Conference in Kuala
Lumpur during Malaysia Blockchain Week on July 30th.